

的 federal government requires that the 金融援助 Office of beat365平台 (JWCC) monitor the academic progress of all applicants for student financial aid. This regulation requires that the College establish a Satisfactory Academic Progress policy that includes both a pace (quantitative) and a qualitative measure of progress. 遵守这些规定, the College has adopted the following policy in regard to all state and federal financial aid eligibility. Satisfactory academic progress is evaluated at the end of each structured semester.


Consistent progress toward the degree or certificate shall require that no less than 67% of all attempted coursework be successfully completed. This is a cumulative requirement and will be checked at the end of every term of enrollment. Students failing to meet this 67% cumulative threshold will be placed on financial aid warning. 如果学生已经受到警告,那么他们将被停学.

达到67%的最低完成率, a student who has attempted 28 cumulative credit hours at JWCC must have successfully completed (earned) a minimum of 19 of those 28 hours (all calculations are rounded up).


All students are required to meet a minimum cumulative grade point average as determined by the following chart:

  1. 最多19个.5个小时的课程尝试...........1.51
  2. 20.0 – 29.5个小时的课程尝试..........1.60
  3. 30.0 – 39.5个小时的课程尝试..........1.75
  4. 40.0 – 49.5个小时的课程尝试..........1.85
  5. 50.0个小时或以上的课程尝试........2.00

最大尝试时数 for which a student may be aid eligible is 150% of the credits required in his/her program. 在确定学时限制时,必须注意以下几点:

Credit hours transferred from other schools that are accepted toward completion of your JWCC program count as hours attempted and hours completed. 然而, transfer credit hours are not included in the calculation of your grade point average;

如果你换专业, the credit hours taken under all majors will be included in the calculation of the attempted credit hours total, GPA计算和完成学位的最长时间框架.


Attempted credit hours include the following whether or not paid for with financial aid:

工作时数(A-D等级), 退出(W, WI, WA, WB), 不及格(不及格)(F), 不完整的(我, RD), 及格/不及格(P/F).

退课 -如果你在学期中退课(“W/WI”“WA/WB”), 在人口普查日期之后, 课程学分将被加到你的尝试学分总数中.

不完整的课程 -未完成课程的学时(“I”(未完成)), “RD” (in progress)) are included in the calculation of your attempted credit hours total, 但不是在计算你的GPA时. 在成绩变化之前,这些成绩在GPA中算0分. When a grade change is submitted through the Registrar’s Office the GPA calculation is updated.

通过/失败的课程 – Credit hours for pass/fail courses are included in the calculation of your attempted credit hours total, 但不是在计算你的GPA时.

补救课程 – Credit hours for remedial classes are counted as attempted hours in determining pace. 补习课程包括在GPA的计算中. Non-credit remedial courses are considered transferred in and are counted in attempted hours;

重复的课程 – A student who has received a grade of less than a “C” in a course and is repeating that course will have those hours added to the attempted credit hours total. 然而, for GPA purposes if the second grade is higher than first then the first is excluded in GPA calculation and the second replaces. 额外的重复课程以尝试时数和平均绩点计算;

如果学生这学期没有获得任何学分, 他或她将被置于经济援助警告. 学生下次入学时, 如果他或她再一次没有获得任何学分, 他或她将被暂停经济援助.


Evaluation of academic records will take place at the end of each structured semester. Any student not meeting the minimum satisfactory academic progress standards at that time will be placed on financial aid warning. 在受到警告期间,学生有资格获得合格资助. If minimum standards of satisfactory progress are not met by the end of the warning term, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension and no further federal or state student assistance will be available.

A student placed on financial aid suspension is expected to provide for their own educational expenses. Any student placed on financial aid suspension may appeal to the Director of 金融援助 if any of the following apply: death of a relative, 学生受伤或生病, 或者其他特殊情况. All appeals must be put in writing on the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal form. 这些表格可以在财政援助办公室或网上获得 在这里.

Suspension appeals approved in which a student may potentially meet SAP standard the following term of attendance will result in the student being placed on financial aid probation for the subsequent semester. Probation is for one term only and the student is eligible for qualified financial aid. At the end of the probationary term the student must meet SAP requirements or go back to suspension status.

Suspension appeals approved in which a student will not meet SAP standard the following term of attendance will have an individual academic plan developed. An academic plan will require the student to fulfill certain terms and conditions. 他/她将有资格获得该学期的合格资助. He/she will retain eligibility for funding as long as the academic plan is followed. Specific academic advising for all students is provided by the Advising Office. Any changes to the academic plan must be approved in advance by the Director of 金融援助.

如果在上诉程序中不给予例外, a student may request reconsideration of financial aid eligibility after the student has taken (at his or her own expense) no less than six credit hours and passed all attempted credit hours with a grade of “C” or better. 如果学生尝试超过六小时, 学生将在该学期内对所有尝试的学分进行评估. All coursework involved in the reconsideration request must be taken at beat365平台.

Exceptions to the SAP policy will be considered by the Director of 金融援助 on an as-needed basis. 主任的决定是最终决定.

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